Tuesday, September 25, 2012


We were told to create a magazine ad this time. Here it is!
In this assignment, our point was to try and sell something, anything we wanted. I dedided to do magic bananas!! and cursed bananas :) My favorite thing about this project is the freedom to sell anything we wanted. My least favorite thing is that I had computer problems again, so that kinda sucked. I liked how this turned out in the long run (even though it doesnt necessarily look like an actual magazine ad). Ah well, what's done is done.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Album cover

This so far, is by far, my favorite commercial art assignment. Not only did I get to do some drawing, I also got to listen to/share my different music preferences!

In this assignment, we had to create an album cover for either a playlist of our favorite music, a band you made up, or a album for your favorite band. I did the first one. :) We were learning how to incorperate layers and art elements along with photos.  I really liked that we got to draw in this one! Drawing is my favorite kind of art! What I didn't like is that it took me FOREVER to do this. (I would accidently hit the back arrow or the program would crash. It happened at  least 5 times....) My favorite thing about this is the sunflowers. It is completely the opposite of everything else in this picture. My least favorite thing in here is probably the hood on the jacket. It was a bit difficult to draw, and after about 10 minutes of erasing and redrawing, I just settled with what I had.


These are snowman I made! The one on the left is my favorite~
In this assignment, we were learning about layering. We took different parts of pictures and layered them into snowmen. I liked learning how to layer everything (it was a bit hard at first). I didn't like (at first) That I couldn't make the proportions right on the snowman on the left, but i figured it out. My favorite thing about this is the creeper snowman on the left! He's just so eerie looking! XD~ My least favorite thing was how long it took to cut out each individual snowflake (little did I know that I could repeatedly paste something without cutting things out \:)

Name Art

This is the first assignment from commercial art class (I did my name). Enjoy!
In this assingment, we had to make a word out of photos! We were learning how to use photos in the program. I liked how creative we could get when we were taking the photos. What I didn't like was that my R's were not very visible once i finished the project :/
My favorite thing was that we could do whatever we wanted with the background, and my least favorite thing was, again, the invisible Rs....

Hello world!!! HoW aRe You ToDaY??

Helloooo!! And welcome to my art blog! I created this blog for my commercial art class. I am more than likely going to do a lot of horror themed projects, because i love horror movies~ And so, with this I bid you welcome into my twisted world of creepy!